Don Quichotte “Oktemer Koksal” Portrait Exhibition 2013

Degerli karikaturculer

Don Quichotte" olarak, kisa bir sure once yitirdigimiz cizgi ustasi "Oktemer Koksal" adina
bir portre karikatur sergisi planladik.
Sergimize gelen eserler hem Facebook "etkinlik sayfamizda
hem "Don Quichotte" websitemizde sergilenmeye baslamistir. 30 nisan’da sona erecek
katilim sonrasi 50 finalist calisma belirlenecek ve iclerinden bir calismaya
"En Basarili Portre" odulu olarak "Don Quichotte" heykelcigi verilecektir.
bildiginiz gibi heykelcikler ozel el yapimidir ve Þilili heykeltras Ciro Chavez tarafindan tasarlanmistir.
Ayrica oniki calismaya da "don quichotte" sertifikasi verilecektir.
Oktemer Koksal’in aramizdan ayrilmasi cok hazin olmustur. Karikatur camiasi
ona gereken onemi vermemis ve bir anlamda kendi kaderine terketmistir.
Sergimizin amaci bu usta cizeri uluslararasi karikatur platformunda cizgilerle sahiplenmek ve anisini yasatmaktir.
Katiliminiz icin simdiden tesekkur ediyor, bu anlamli sergiye
degerli calismalarinizi merak ve heyecanla bekliyoruz.

Don Quichotte


Oktemer Koksal/Biyografi

1936 yilinda Eskisehir’de dogdu. Onuc yasinda duyma yetenegini yitirdi.
60’li yillarda Bab-i Ali’de cesitli gazete ve dergilerde cizer olarak calisti.
1968 yilinda uc yil calistigi Cumhuriyet gazetesi’nden ayrilarak Almanya’nin Munih sehrine yerlesti.
Almanya’da basta "Kauka Verlag" olmak uzere cesitli yayinevlerine cizgiroman ve
cesitli cizgitiplerden olusan cizgi-bant calismalari yapti.
(Die Telemause, Fix-Foxi, Bussi Bear, vs…) 1983 yilinda
Hurriyet gazetesi’nde "Cin&Can" cizgibantlari yayinlandi.
Cizerlikten para kazanamadigi donemler de oldu.
Yirmi yili askin sure bir firmada "sef restorator" olarak calisti.
Ancak cok yonlulugunu hic yitirmedi. Kendi deyimiyle "sir avciligi" yaparak,
kimi kayip uygarliklarin yuzyillardir uyuyan gizemlerini aciga cikarmayi basardi.
Bu konuda derin arastirmalar yapti ancak bunlari bir kitap olarak bastirmayi basaramadi.
"Mevlana’nin Izinde Gercek Insanliga Yonelelim" baslikli bir girisimde bulunmayi da denedi.
Ancak ilgisizlik yuzunden bu cabalari da sonuc getirmedi.
Bitmek tukenmek bilmeyen enerjisi onu surekli arastirmaya ve gecmisi irdelemeye yonlendirdi.
Gecmisteki uygarliklarin sanildigi gibi "Tas Devri"nde yasamadiklarini ve
"Evrensel Yasa"nin bilincinde olduklarini dusunuyordu.
2002 yilindan itibaren dondugu ulkesinde de bu yonde cabalari devam etti.
Gecmisle ilgili olaganustu mesajlar veren kompozisyonlari tuvale aktardi.
"Siralilik" ve "Denge" konusunu yasadigi surece kitlelere ulastirmaya ve anlatmaya calisti.
"Toplum ve Birey" onun hep ilgi alani oldu. Aklimizda kalan en onemli tanisi ise sinsan" oldu.
Ona gore insan olamayanlarin adi buydu.
21.03.2013 tarihinde gecmis uygarliklari daha yakindan incelemek uzere bizlere veda etti.
Oktemer Koksal’in karikatur calismalari "Toonpool" sitesindeki kisisel sayfasindan izlenebilir:


Dear Cartoonists,

We planned an exhibition of portrait cartoon on behalf of the Illustrator
"Öktemer Köksal" who passed away a short time ago.
Drawing works coming to our exhibition are being published in our
"facebook" activity page and the website of "Don Quichotte".
Participation will end on April 30 and then, 50 finalist works will be determined.
And one work of them will be determined as "the most successful portrait" and
will reward with "statuette of Don Quichotte".
As you know, Don Quichotte figurines are hand-made and designed by Chilean sculptor Chavez.
In addition, 12 works will be given "Don Quichotte Certificate".
His demise has been very sad. The cartoon community did not matter to him sufficiently and in a sense,
he was abandoned to his fate.
The aim of our exhibition is to make a claim to this drawing master in
an international cartoon platform and embalm.
I thank you for your participation in advance.
We are looking forward your works to this significant exhibition.

Don Quichotte


Öktemer Köksal’s Biography

He was born in Eskiþehir in 1936.
He lost his hearing ability when he was thirteen.
In the 60s, he worked as cartoonist at various magazines and newspapers
in Bab-ý Ali (today Provincial office of Istanbul).
He quitted his job at the newspaper "Cumhuriyet", in which he worked
for three years and settled in the city of Munich, Germany.
For many various publishing houses and especially for "Kauka Verlag",
he drew comics and comic-strip line works,consisting of a variety of types of comics
(Die Telemause, Fix-Foxi, Bussi Bear, etc…). In 1983,
he published "Cin&Can" comic-strips in the newspaper "Hürriyet".
As a cartoonist, he also spent periods without making money.
More than twenty years, he worked in a company as a "chef restorer".
However, he never lost his versatility.
In his own words by doing "mystery hunt", he succeeded to uncover
some oflost civilizations’ mysteries, which were dormant for centuries.
He made deep research on this subject, but he was unable to suppress them as a book.
He also tried to attempt with the title of "Let’s turn to the real humanity in the light of Mevlana".
However, due to lack of interest, his efforts produced no results.
His endless energy, directed him to scrutinize the history and to research rapidly.
To the contrary of thought, he was considering that the civilizations did not live in "Stone-age",
besides they were aware of the "Universal Laws".
Since 2002, he went back to his homeland and continued to make an effort in this area.
On the canvas, he depicted his compositions which give extraordinary messages about history.
As long as he lived, he tried to tell and deliver the theme
"Sequentality" and "Balance" to the masses.
"Society and the Individual" was always his pursuit.
And his most important diagnosis in our minds is"human".
According to him, this is the name of people who are not human.
On 03/21/2013 he bade us farewell to examine the civilizations of past more closely.
Öktemer Köksal’s cartoon works can be viewed in his personal page on the website "Toonpool".