Disasters are striking the whole world again and again. The big earthquakes from time to time not only shocked the earth, but also shocked people’s hearts in the meantime. Recently big earthquakes struck Haiti, Chile, China and some other countries. Disasters including flood in Brazil, snow disaster in America, draught disaster in southwest China and volcanic eruption in Iceland…happened one by one. Greenhouse effect brings more and more suffering to human beings. The earth is a big village and we are all the villagers. Let us devote our love, pray for the sufferers and bless them. Wish less disasters and more happiness to our earth!


China Redman Center is always devoting itself to the public welfare. In the spring of 2008, Redman Center donated some books to the children in the mountain area in Qinghai Province, China. Teachers from Beijing University who went Qinghai to support the education took the books there to help the primary school to build the library. Recently, the earthquake happened in Qinghai pulled our hearts strings. We sincerely hope the children there are safe, healthy and tide the difficulty. In 2009, Redman Center designed the annuals for a Chinese charity without any charges. Our behavior is also supported by our coteries. In 2008, Mr.Quan Yingsheng from Heavy Comics denoted 20 cartoon books to us. We really appreciate his almsteed. One person’s ability is limited. If everyone can denote his love, the world will be much nicer.





1. The contest is Open to all artists worldwide: cartoonists, caricaturists, painters, illustrators, etc. No limitation on the nationality, age, sex or occupation.


2. Theme : DISASTER (earthquake, flood, drought and snow disaster, etc.)


3. Entries: unlimited


4. Size of the paper works is unlimited while the minimum size of the electronic works should be A4 and the resolution should be no less than 350dpi.


5. Technique and medium of works are unlimited. Traditional Chinese Painting, Oil painting, Print, Watercolor or Children’s painting are all acceptable. Black and white or in colors.


6. The works whether they have been awarded in other contests previously will be accepted.


7. First name, Last name, Address, Email, Telephone number should be submitted together works. Or the author’s entry-form and biography are needed.


8. Deadline for entries is July 7, 2010.


9. The works must be original. The authors should have full copyright and be responsible for all the legal responsibilities related to the productions copyright. The Foundation will not be responsible for any damage that may occur during postage and handling.


10. Whether paper works or electronic works are accepted.


11. Prizes:


PRIZE: Award + Medal + Catalogue


12. Excellent works will have the excess to the "2010 The 3rd "RED MAN" INTERNATIONAL CARTOON & HUMOUR CONTEST" contest and will be selected into the catalogue. Cartoonist whose works are selected will get a copy for free. Committee has the rights to use any of the participated works in a brochure, on posters, in the world press or other printed matter. In these cases, any fee for the use of works will not be paid.


13. Remark: the works will not be returned


14. Participation in the contest means the complete acceptance of all the above conditions and agreements with jury’s.


15. Address:


Room 341 Building #364 ,Jinqiaoshidai,

Yunjing East Road ,Tongzhou District,

Beijing 101121, CHNA


16.E-MAIL: redmanart@126.com , redmancartoon@163.com

HTTP: http://www.redmanart.com/en/