The Escuela Nacional de Caricatura de Colombia – CEATC- supported by the Directorate of Welfare of the Universidad Nacional de Colombia, invite all colombian and foreign cartoonists to participate in the Second Graphic Humor and Cartoon Biennial – City of Bogota.

Terms of the Contest

1. Theme: Bicentennial of the Colombian Independence. The participating works must propose some thoughts through the universal language of humor about the meaning and significance of the Bicentennial celebration of independence of Latin American countries.
2. Open to all cartoonists, Colombians and foreigners who want to graphically express their vision of the subject.
3. The final admissions date for artwork is July 19 2010.
The exhibition of the winning works will provide a framework for forums and conferences on the contest theme.

4. Categories:
a) Professional. People who have published their work in printed media or on a regular basis on the Internet

b) Amateur. People who have not published their work in printed media, written or audiovisual. Over 18 years

The envelope in which jobs are sent should be marked on the upper right corner with the letters P (Professional), A (Amateur)

5. Technique: Free.

6. Format: 50 x 35 cms. In physical or in digital media at 300 dpi, jpg format.

7. Amount: Maximum 2 works per author.

8. Awards: The awards will take place as follows:

Professional category

Single Award
1.000 Euros

Categories Amateur

Single Award
Interactive graphic humor and caricature course, to a value of $ 725,000

In addition, mentions will be delivered to some of the leading participants in the different categories.

9. Jury: Will be constituted by a team of three cartoonists, a historian and a social movements artist related to the theme of the independence bicentennial. They will select works for exhibition and will choose the winners in both categories, as well as works worthy of special mention. The winners and selected works will be announced on July 26 at www.escueladecaricatura.com portal.

10. Schedule:
– Launching of the call: Monday March 15, 2010 in www.escueladecaricatura.com portal,
– Time limit for papers submission: Monday, 19 July 2010.
– Winners notification: Monday 26 July 2010.
– Exhibition of winning entries, highlights and awards: Bogotá Book Fair 2010 – July 11 to 22.

11. Registration and submission:
Work on the physical environment should be sent under seal on behalf of
II Graphic Humor and Cartoon Biennial – City of Bogota

Corporación Escuela Nacional de Caricatura y Comunicación Gráfica
Carrera 20 B No 74 40
Bogota, Colombia – Sur America.

The works should be marked on the back with the pseudonym of the author and should also include the following information in a sealed envelope.

Name ……………………………………….. ……………………………
Identification Document: … … … … … … … … … …. … … … … … … … … …
Address :………………………………………… ……………. Phone :…………….
E-mail … ……………………………………….. ………………………

The work in digital media should be sent to escueladecaricatura@gmail.com Esta dirección electrónica esta protegida contra spam bots. Necesita activar JavaScript para visualizarla as jpg file at 300 dpi. Not accepted in different format. Those who send their work in digital format must include this data in the message:

Name ……………………………………….. ……………………………
Pseudonym (if used) … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … ….
Identification Document: … … … … … … … … … …. … … … … … … … … …
Address :………………………………………… ……………. Phone :…………….

12. Regulation

– The author is fully responsible before the contest organization of the originality of his work, assuming total responsibility towards all claims that in that sense, could be made by others.
– The jury’s decision is final and participation implies acceptance of these rules.
– The selected works will be exhibited also in the website www.escueladecaricatura.com
– You can participate only with works that have not been published or awarded in other contests.
– Works will be received until the specified date or the same in the stamp.
– The winning entries come to be part of the collection of the National School of Cartoon and Graphic Communication Corporation that may use them for purposes of disclosure or academic or cultural purposes.
– Not awarded work involved may be used by the institution for disclosure and academics purposes. If it is original, may be returned at the headquarters of the National School of Cartoon from 11 October to 1 November 2010.
– Students may participate in the National School of Cartoon, as long as they are not a part of the competition organizing committee.
– Participation in the Contest implies acceptance of these conditions