18th Salon of Humor University of Piracicaba BRAZIL

18th Salon of Humor University of  Piracicaba BRAZIL



01 – The 18th Salon of Humor University of Piracicaba , organized by the Methodist University of Piracicaba, will be conducted in accordance with the following schedule:

Registration: until May 28, 2010
Selection of works: 07 june 2010
Award: June 11, 2010

02 – may subscribe exclusively to graduate students and post-graduate of any faculty or university, in the Registration Form accompanied by a document (or copy) proving to be a student with ties to academic coursework.

Political Cartoon: humor on the actual event occurred recently.
Cartoon: humor no necessary connection with any fact specific.
CARTOON-portrait with anatomic distortion, usually of some famous personality known.
-Comics (HQ): story told in sequential steps / frames.
-ENVIRONMENT: topic category dedicated to works of graphic humor that deal specifically with issues ENVIRONMENTAL / ECOLOGICAL.

Registration is free and can be made in person, by mail, or Internet.

03 – Each participant can subscribe to as many categories as you wish, unlimited amount of jobs, his own authority and UNPUBLISHED, subject to cases of non-compliance with these conditions to the cancellation or forfeiture of prizes or entries received, without prejudice to other penalties that fit, including criminal.
Note 1: copies will be accepted ( ‘xerox’, photograph or blueprints) of the work.
Note 2: Can be sent Prints from digital files (computer), respecting the authorship and originality of the work (not published prior to the Hall).

04 – The works sent by mail or delivered personally, shall be submitted as follows: 30×40 cm (or 12×16 inches.) Without any type of frame, with identification on the back containing your full name, country, phone, e-mail , the category that is running and the name of education institution (with letter legibly). The address for delivery or postage is:


Salão Universitário de Humor de Piracicaba/UNIMEP

Universidade Metodista de Piracicaba
A/C: Laboratório de Comunicação
Rodovia do Açúcar, Km 156 – C. Taquaral
Caixa Postal 68 – CEP: 13400-911 Piracicaba/SP/Brasil


05 – will be accepted copies of the original Application Form, provided that legible.

06 – The works sent over the Internet to salaodehumor@unimep.br, should have their file ending with the following characteristics: JPG, 300 dpi, RGB color, up to 2MB.

07 – will be considered entered the work, in addition to meeting the requirements in items 02, 03, 04 and 06 are held by the Organizing Committee by 28 May 2010, in effect, to subscribers by mail, postmarked .

08 – All entries in accordance with item 07, will undergo a pre-selection, and only those approved by the Selection Jury will compete for prizes.
OBS-1: regardless of the number of entries by the authors (free), there will be the limit for the selection of a maximum of 03 works by each artist in each category.
OBS-2: All entries will have their images reproduced for dissemination.


09 – will be awarded several prizes,:
a) three (03) cash prizes, totaling R$ 3,000.00 (three thousand reais), divided as follows: 02 awards worth R$ 1,000.00 each, indicated by the award jury of all jobs selected (regardless of category); 01 prize of R$ 1,000.00 set by public vote (Popular Jury), via the Internet among all selected works (regardless of category);
b) 08 prizes in the form of “Portfolio Special”, prepared by the Organizing Committee consisting of: image of the winning work, history of the artist / author; endorsement of Hall University of Piracicaba Humor / UNIMEP / Jury Award; images of other works from the artist / author; contacts. The “Special Portfolio” will be sent to professionals in the areas of communication and art, press, agencies, directors / editors of art, other destinations identified by the Jury Award and the Organizing Committee. The artists chosen for the award “Special Portfolio” will deliver all the material requested by the Organization of the event until 45 (forty five) days after the establishment of the award.
c) 01 Special Award / theme “Environment / Martha Watts Cultural Center in the amount of R$ 1,000.00 (one thousand reais), as the best work that addresses the issue ENVIRONMENTAL / ECOLOGICAL (as item category).
Note: Other awards and honors may be imposed at the discretion of the Organizing Committee.

10 – The selection and award will be made, respectively, by a Selection Jury and a Jury Award, made both by people trained in the area.

11 – The works awarded in accordance with items 08 and 09, are considered acquisitive Methodist University of Piracicaba. The possession, use and other rights in such work will belong to UNIMEP and CULTURAL CENTER MARTHA WATTS (Environmental Award), who reserve the right to make use of them as they choose.

12 – The other papers can be withdrawn by the authors in person or through proxy, from August 26 to October 27, 2010, the same place of registration referred to in item 07, or by post, provided that the person send a declaration authorizing the shipment, payment to the post office when WITHDRAWAL (at the expense of the artist himself).

13 – The Organizing Committee and the Methodist University of Piracicaba not responsible for any damage or loss of work sent by mail or sent over the Internet.

14 – A simple configure automatic enrollment and full consent of the participant with this Regulation.

15 – Issues not covered in these Regulations shall be resolved by the Organizing Committee, after hearing the Rectory.