FAS Graphics, satire, and humor created to celebrate- Italy


The Federation Association of Sardinians in Italy invites all the cartoonists in the world to participate in the special edition of the contest “Graphics, satire, and humor” created to celebrate the 150th anniversary of the Unity of Italy.

The moderation and financing of this contest comes from the Self-Governing Region of Sardinia, also from the patronage of the Governing Body of the Region of Lazio, the Region of Piemonte, the Region of Sardinia, and the City of Florence.


The FASI, Federazione Associazioni Sarde in Italia, is announcing the contest “Fratelli D’Italia” of 2011 to celebrate the proclamation of the kingdom of Italy.

The contest is financed by the Regione Autonoma della Sardegna, and benefits from the sponsorship of the Consiglio della Regione Lazio, Regione Piemonte, Regione Sardegna, and of the Comune di Firenze.




1. The contest is open to all cartoonists, illustrators, and graphic designers around the world.  You are also allowed to participate without competing.  Such requests exempt the author from winning a prize, but makes it possible to still publish and/or display the author’s work.


2. Theme: Fratelli d’Italia

From the kingdom of Sardegna to the kingdom of Italy.  From the Italian republic to the European Union. From Europe to the United Nations. Independence and globalization. One hundred and fifty years of events, action, heroes and influential people either in Italy or the European Union.

In the age of globalization try to express:

– The capacity to evoke concepts of unity and national identity, independence, liberty, and the state. Philosophers, politicians, and poets of the Italian rebirth (Risorgimento Italiano) and to retell the most important moments and the influential people that characterize the first 150 years of Italian history.

– The current condition of democracy, humanitarian works, and peace.

– The future of the state, of the state in times of globalization and fortunes of the current ideals of the ‘900 [sic]


3. Sections

The contest is divided into three categories:

                A. Sardegna. This is dedicated to the artists that with any graphic technique, satire, caricature, or cartoon strip that brings to mind the actions and the Sards that, originating from the kingdom of Sardegna, were creators of the kingdom of Italy and of the Italian Republic.

                B. Lithography, Illustrations, web art, computer art

                D. Caricature and Satire

It is permitted to submit an entry for each of the four categories.


4. The prizes

Prize “Sardegna”: 1st prize € 5.000        2 nd prize € 1.500

Prize “Lithography,  Illustrations, Web art”  1st prize € 5 ,000 2nd prize € 1.500

Prize “Caricature and Satire”  1st prize € 5,000         2nd prize € 1.500


The prizes are offered by:

– Presidenza Consiglio della Regione Autonoma della Sardegna

– Presidenza Consiglio della Regione Lazio

– Presidenza della Regione Toscana

– Presidenza Consiglio della Regione Piemonte

Prize “Black Sheep”                           € 3.000 from the Comune di Burgos

Prize “Inside the history”   € 1.000 from the Fondazione Giuseppe Siotto, Cagliari

Prize “The see us like this”              € 1.500 from the ACLI Sardegna

There will be 10 “Special Mention”

Other special prizes may be offered  from various institutional sponsors, private interests, associations, newspapers and agencies. 


5. Participation

A maximum of three works for each section may be submitted with any technique and any supported paper or canvas of the same dimension.  The submitted works must be originals, and must arrive with the application form and the biography of the author.  Each work must be signed and must have on the back the following information: the title of the work, the author’s name, last name, address, phone number, and email address.  The author must indicate on each work into which section it is to be entered.

The entries must be mailed (postage paid by the sender) without frames or glass to the following address:

FASI – Casella Postale 18260 Ufficio Postale 018 Via Cavour, 71/A – 50129 Firenze.

Photocopies or photographs will not be accepted.


6. Deadline

30th of April, 2010 (based on the postmark)


7. Format

UNI A4 (21 x 29,7 cm) otherwise UNI A3 (29,7 x 42 cm)


8. Technique


The works can be created even with digital techniques as long as they can be printed in high quality, the signature must be by hand, and come with a CD that contains the digital file of the work in the format TIFF with the resolution of 300 dpi.


9. Jury

The acceptance of the works, the selection, and the assigning of the prizes are completely up to the jury nominated by the FASI.

The jury is composed of:

Gavino Sanna, President

Giuliano Rossetti

Tonino Mulas

Luca Paulesu

Giovanni Sorcinelli “ Giòx”

Bepi Vigna

Bruno Culeddu: Secretary without the ability to vote.

The decisions of the jury are non debatable or up for appeal.

The results of the jury will be given directly to the winning artists and published on the website of the Burgosatira and of the FASI.


10. Exibitions

In 2011 (the anniversary of the Proclamation of the Unity of Italy), dates listed below, the works will be exhibited in Torino, Firenze, Roma, and Cagliari.  The works will be consigned to the Museum of the Satire of Burgos, for a permanent exhibit.  From Burgos will begin a touring exhibit throughout the various communities of Sardegna and all of Italy.  This touring exhibit will also go abroad and be under the care of ACLI Sardegna and move throughout the Sardinian club worldwide.

The inauguration ceremony and the awards ceremony will be held in Torino, which was the original capital of Italy.


Torino: March/April 2011

Firenze: April/May 2011

Rome: May/June 2011

Cagliari: June/July 2011

Burgos: July/August 2011


11. Catalogue

All the authors selected for the catalogue will receive a free copy of said catalogue.

12. Ownership and rights

The Organization reserves all rights to reproduce and distribute the works in any form and to organize exhibitions with selected works in any location in Italy or abroad, citing the author, without any payment.  All the works submitted will not be returned and will remain the property of the Comune of Burgos where they will be exhibited and cared for by the Mostra della Satira.

The participation in the contest implies that complete acceptance from the part of the author to all the conditions and rules herein stated and implied.

All the works must be sent to the following address:



Ufficio Postale 018

Via Cavour, 71/A

Casella postale 18260

50129 Firenze, Italia




For further information



e-mail: fasicentro@virgilio.it


Tel: 39055 240549

Tel/Fax: 39055 2242006