Shankar’s International Children’s Competition SICC INDIA

Deadline: October, 31 2009
K. Shankar Pillai (July 31, 1902—December 26, 1989) was a famous cartoonist. He brought out a political magazine called ‘Shankar’s Weekly’. Under the auspices of this magazine, a competition called the Shankar’s International Children’s Competition was organized in 1949. It invited paintings and writings from children in India. Children sent about 3,000 entries. The following year the competition was thrown open to children from all over the world.
Today, the competition has grown and about 1,60,000 entries are received from over 130 countries. The entries are judged by an international jury. The prizewinning entries are compiled in a volume called the ‘Shankar’s Children’s Art Number’.
The prizes are given away at a ceremony conducted entirely by children. The chief guest at this function is the President, Vice-President or the Prime Minister of India. Being very fond of children, Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru gave away the prizes in all SICC functions held between 1949 and 1963.

An offshoot of the Shankar’s International Children’s Competition was the Shankar’s On-the-Spot Painting Competition held annually in New Delhi. It was started in 1952 when doubts were expressed about the originality of the paintings received in the Shankar’s International Children’s Competition. The On-the-Spot Painting Competition was a regular event attended by the 10,000 children from the capital and its suburbs till the year 2005. It has, however, been suspended now, owing to space constraints and traffic restrictions. This competition is also held in Kerala. The participating children are divided into three age groups: 5-8 years, 9-12 years and 13-16 years. They are given various subjects to draw on and prizes are awarded.
1. The competition is open to children all over the world below the age of 16 years.

2. There is no entry fee.

3. Competitors are free to choose the theme/subject they are interested in, or like most, for their paintings/drawings/writings.

4. Each entry should be certified by the parent/guardian/teacher as the original, unaided work of the competitor done during the previous year. Entries should be an individual effort and NOT a combined work.

5. Every entry should carry the following information in English and in Block Letters, at the back of the painting / drawing or at the end of the written work:
* Name

* Surname

* Boy or Girl

* Date of birth

* Nationality

* Full postal address

* Subject / title of the entry
6. No entry will be returned. The copyright of all entries will rest with Shankar’s International Children’s Competition.

7. All packets should be pre-paid / adequately stamped and mailed directly to reach:
Shankar’s International Children’s Competition
Nehru House
4 Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg
New Delhi-110002

8. Entries sent by air cargo will not be accepted.

9. The last date for receipt of Indian entries is October 31 and of foreign entries is December 31.

The drawings can be in any medium.

The size of each entry should NOT be less than 30 x 40 cm in size.

A competitor may submit upto 6 entries. They should NOT be mounted / framed.

Only entries in ENGLISH will be considered. Translations from other languages do not qualify for the competition.

Entries may be in the form of poems, plays, short stories, essays, descriptive writing, and the like.
A competitor may submit upto 6 entries. They should be in a neat handwriting or typed.

The entries will be judged by the organizers with the help of a jury. The judges’ decision will be final.

The following prizes are offered:
The President of India’s Gold Medal for the best painting/drawing.

The Shankar’s Award for the best written work.

24 Jawaharlal Nehru Memorial Gold Medals for the next best paintings/drawings/written work.
About 400 Silver Medals and 400 prizes.

Certificates of Merit to deserving entries.

Results will be announced in August. Prizewinners will be informed individually by post.

The best entries will be published in Shankar’s Children’s Art Number. Selected entries will also appear in the monthly magazine for children, Children’s World.
All competitors are entitled to a copy of the Art Number, at a concessional price.

They can reserve their copies by mailing the attached coupon.

U.S. $ 20.00/ 10.00 Pound/ 15.00 Eurofor foreign participants.

Rs. 200.00 for participants in India.

I wish to reserve a copy of Shankar’s Children’s Art Number at the concessional rate.
I am remitting ……………………. by draft/money order in favour of Shankar’s International Children’s Competition