42th edition of UMORISTI A MAROSTICA – Marostica-Italy
the oldest italian festival and one of the best intl cartoons contests with prestigious
“Scacchiera International Grand Prize” organized by Gruppo Grafico Marosticense
Theme: VICES (like habits)
Prizes: Scacchiera International Grand Prize
Deadline: January 18, 2010 (the post-mark will provide the proof)
Attached the regulations with the entry-form (pdf format)
Sample of entry-form
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Contest: open to all cartoonists
Theme: VICES (like habits)
Entries: max. 3 works. The works must be original, without titles and accompanied by author’s entry-form and biography
Size: free
Technique: free
Deadline: January 18, 2010
Prizes: “Scacchiera International Grand Prize” for each section
Opening and prize distribution: April 17, 2010
Exhibition: April 17 – May 30, 2010
Catalogue: each participating artist will receive a copy (by enclosing 7,00 €uro for the postage charges)
Remark: the works will not be returned and will be included in the “Umoristi a Marostica Museum”
The works should be sent to:
For further information, visit our website or email us:
phone/fax: +39-0424-72150
Other great intl contests supported by FanoFunny
SATYRYKON (Poland) > deadline february 8, 2010
SPORTHUMOR (Italy) > deadline february 28, 2010
STUDIO ARTE ANDOMEDA (Italy) > deadline april 15, 2010
All the regulations
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Money Makes the World Go Round
globalisation, financial meltdown, fair-trade and economic justice
International Political Cartoon Competition 2010
The competition is open to cartoonists from all nations.
A first prize of £700, a second prize of £500 and a third prize of £300 as well as an ‘emerging artist’s prize’ of £150 (for 16-22 year-olds) will be awarded for cartoons which, in the opinion of the judges, best express the above theme. The judges’ decision wll be final. The jury, made up of leading cartoonists and well-known personalities, will be looking for clarity of message, cartooning skill and satirical humour.
In the first instance, the cartoon may be submitted in any form (originals, faxes, photocopies or electronically), although an original would be preferred. Those artists whose cartoons are short listed for exhibition and a prize will be notified by the organisers, after which they must submit the original.
Cartoons with text and/or captions not in English should (if possible) be accompanied by a translation. It would also be useful to have some idea of the situation being addressed by the cartoon if it refers to a specific social or political event/situation which may not be universally understood.
Each entry must be signed by the artist and accompanied by an address and contact details.
Entries to reach the organisers by May 1st 2010.
The results of the competition will be announced on June 1st 2010.
An exhibition of the best of the submissions will be organised in London and in Devon by co-sponsor the Appledore Visual Arts Festival and the prize-winning cartoons will be published in the Morning Star newspaper and other interested journals.
Unless the submitting cartoonist stipulates otherwise, the original cartoons and/or prints of the cartoons, after publication/exhibition, will be offered for sale. Any proceeds, less a small commission and transfer fees, will be paid to the originating artist.
The organisers retain the right to publish or exhibit any of the cartoons submitted, but undertake to give due credit to the artists and ensure they receive any royalties/payments that may accrue as a result.
The first ten cartoons will be displayed on our website at: www.kenspraguefund.org for a period of 12 months and later will become part of the page’s competition archive, accessible to visitors.
Artists submitting cartoons will automatically agree to abide by the above rules.
Co-sponsored by the Appledore Visual Arts Festival
Address to send submissions: Ken Sprague Fund Cartoon Competition, 11 Dorset Road, Ealing, London W5 4HU, United Kingdom. Email: comp2001@kenspraguefund.co.uk
If we opt for the theme Fruit: On Tour, we like to send our fruits from Haspengouw on tour with all positive and delicious qualities, who creates our fruit like real worldstars. Healthy, tasty and beautiful goes our fruit on tour, all over the world, among all cultures, among all nationalities. How are treated their qualities through the world?
Our fruit is ON TOUR. And success is revolutionary: among other VIP’S is our fruit all year round in the spotlights and is worn by their fans, it is celebrated, and is really to bite. Our main sponsors Veiling Borgloon and Belgische FruitVeiling already give many hints and provide special perspectives on their professional site http://www.fruitrevolution.be/
Everybody can participate at this Eurofruit-cartoontest. The participants agree with the regulations and the decisions of the jury. The jury has the right to refuse works for ethical reasons.
All humorous situations about things,actions,emotions,people and events on the theme Fruit: on Tour, used in a positive and artistic way are eligible. Texts may not be used to bring the message in the drawing. Only original drawings linked to Haspengouws * Fruit (pears, apples, plums, cherries, strawberries, raspberries … (see site:www.fruitrevolution.be) qualify on prices.
It is forbidden to send in works that have been awarded before, and works that are subjected to third-party rights.
Number of works: maximum 5 (without frame)
Dimensions: only A4 size (297×210 mm).
All imaging and graphical techniques are allowed.
Please write on the back side of every cartoon in capital letters: Name, first name, address, telephone, fax,mobile number and e-mail address.
By participating,participants give the organisation the right to participate at the differents exhibitions (not-commercial) and publishing the works in the catalogue. The rewarded en nominated works remain the organizers property. Non-rewarded works will resend – on demand – after 15/12/2010.
SEND BY POST before February 18th 2010 (thoroughly packed and not folded) and sufficiently prepaid to: EURO-FRUITCARTOONALE 2010, P/A JOHNY VANDERHEYDEN, HAMELSTRAAT 39, B-3800 SINT-TRUIDEN – BELGIUM
andmoney prices E1000,E300,E200, E200
Several special prices
Baskets with fruit for all the winners
Certificates for the 25 nominations.
Friday April 2th 2010 at 8 pm in Cultural Centre “de bogaard” Capucienessenstraat 8, 3800 Sint-Truiden. The participants whose works are nominated and rewarded will be personally invited. All cartoonists who are present receive a cartoon book free of charge.
The selected works will be exposed from Thuesday 6th of April until 30th of April 2010 in the white hall of the cultural centre“de bogaard”, Capucienessenstraat 8 in 3800 Sint-Truiden.
Voorzitter Eurofruitcartoonale
JOHNY VANDERHEYDEN, Maarschalk Keizerlijke Commanderie
TEL 0032 (0)11 68 92 59 ( 8-18U30) FAX 0032 (0)11 68 92 59
20th International Satire Exhibition “Trento between reality and madness” – Italy
Subject: Italian Land
On 2 August 1847 the Austrian chancellor Klemens von Metternich, wrote: “The word Italy is a geographical expression…”
After 13 years Italy became a State despite the skepticism of those who pretended to forget that the word “Italy” to the greatest artists of Europe meant more than just a geographical oddity, but represented civilisation, knowledge, culture, art and all the highest expressions produced by humans throughout history.
The most enlightened leaders of world culture, for centuries, considered the “Grand Tour”, travelling in Italy, as an essential step in their education and training.
What remains today, after 150 years of that hope to merge the different souls present on the peninsula called Italy and the desire to make a single witness and continuation of the immensity of which we are custodians of gifts?
Our review of XX satire is devoted to a discussion on Italy, which for us is first of all, cultural identity, identity that we feel, every day, in danger of extinction.
We are dealing with a world that continually sacrificed in the name of globalising short term illusions, that wealth of knowledge built with slow wisdom from those who lived with the thought, turning to us, to the future.
To you, to your poetic, ironic, irreverent, bright, satiric ferocity, pick these signals, the thoughts and emotions related to the land of Italy and represent them in terms of your art and your land.
Authors may submit an unlimited number of works, Studio d’Arte Andromeda reserving the right to expose those, which, in its sole discretion, considers most adherents to the theme.
The works must be original, can be made with any technique, and must adhere strictly to the theme.
Maximum size allowed: A3.
The works must arrive at the Studio d’Arte Andromeda via Malpaga, 17 – 38122 Trento ITALY, before April 15th 2010.
The date of the inauguration will be notified in time to all participants.
The works will be returned on demand.
The Organisation Committee will keep the prize-winner and signal works.
The Studio reserves the right to print a catalog with the most significant works and the right to use the same access to information, news and documents about the exhibition.
The catalog will be delivered during the opening or sent on request with the works.
Studio d’Arte Andromeda don’t answer of possible damaged or missing works, but maximum care of the delivered works is assured.
The contest has the following prizes:
1st Prize: € 1000,00
2nd Prize: € 700,00
3rd Prize: € 500,00
Visitors Prize: € 300,00.
Complete regulations & Participation Form: fanofunny .
first international contest of cartoon against racism
Colors can live in peace. If the world were painted a single color would not grace. It’s fun to realize that there are millions of colors that live in peace making our world colorful and interesting.
But as it is still possible to create human beings so many differences in defense of black or white?
the famous Flicts book the Ziraldo. The book says that the world is made of colors, but none is Flicts. A rare color, fragile, sad, who sought in vain for a friend.
This contest expects cartoons against racism and the problems that cause this feeling in the world.
P R I Z E S :
1st Place: R$ 1.000,00 (REAIS) + Troféu + book Flicts +shirt Brazilcartoon
2st Place: Troféu + book Flicts + shirt Brazilcartoon
3st Place: Troféu + book Flicts + shirt Brazilcartoon
2 Mentions: book Flicts + shirt Brazilcartoon
Warning: The value of the prize may be increased during the registration period. This will occur if the Brazilcartoon get sponsors.
Date line: July 30, 2010
Submit your cartoon by e-mail: info@brazilcartoon.com
Association of Polish Cartoonists and Opera Foundation, in cooperation with Museum of Caricature in Warsaw, invites you to participation in The International Competition of Caricature and Cartoon “OPERA & BALLET”.
Regulation of the Competition
Participation condition: All professional cartoonists.
Subject: Opera and ballet (history, present time, famous artists, etc.)
Technical conditions:
Works must be orginals; any kind of graphical technique will be accepted, including digital artwork if the prints are signed and if they are Print Number One. Prints digital artworks must be min. 300 dpi TIFF. Copies will be not accepted.
Number of caricatures or cartoons: Maximum 5.
Size / File format: Min 210 X 297 mm (DIN A 4) – Max 297 X 420 mm (DIN A 3).
The works should present on the reverse the following informations: author`s name and surname, post address, phone, mailing address, title of work.
The author’s CV, in English or Polish, should also be sent.
Deadline for works reception: 30.03.2010
Address: The works should be sent to:
Stowarzyszenie Polskich Artystów Karykatury, ul. Kozia 11, 00-070 Warszawa, Poland, with note: “OPERA & BALLET”
Prizes and jury: The winners will be awarded the following prizes:
I – 1250 EURO
II – 1000 EURO
III – 750 EURO
and other mentions.
All awarded and mentioned works will stay property of organizers competition. Jury will select works to the exhibition.
Exhibition: Exhibition will be opening in Polish National Opera House in Warsaw, in May 2010. After the exhibition in Warsaw will be other exhibition in Poland and other country and the works will be returned to their authors by end of 2011.
Catalogue: All the artists whose are selected for the exhibition will receive a catalogue.
Any questions about this competition may be sent to organizers:
Superintendent – Jacek Frankowski: jacek@franek.com.pl
Artdirector – Witold Mysyrowicz: wmysyrowicz@aster.pl
Merry Christmas!
Joy, health, happiness, good luck and do not you ever lose heart!
Vyacheslav Shilov
PS. Drawing – my friend and colleague, ch. artist newspaper “Financial Times” Jeremy Banks (United Kingdom).