

Dear friends,

a press report – concerning Turkish language on – has gone

out to all media in Turkey and Germany (newspapers. magazines, websites, tv and radio stations).

You could help us by making it public to friends and contacts you have in Turkey.

Please see on fronpage below our Hoþgeldiniz!-blog.


Best wishes and kind regards to all colleagues,

Bernd Pohlenz


Press report:


Dunyaca unlu karikatur sitesi Turkce’yi de bunyesine katti


Berlin, 11. August 2009 – Dunyanin en buyuk, profesyonel karikatur sitesi „toonpool“ artik uyelerine „Hosgeldiniz“ diyerek Turkce de sesleniyor. Iki yil once hizmete sunulan portalin Turkce’yi de devreye sokarak dunya pazarindaki yerini saglamlastirmasi ve buyume hizini arttirmaya devam etmesi hedefleniyor.

„“da su anda 140 ulkeden 1200 cizerin 45.000 calismasi sergileniyor.   Berlinli Karikaturist Bernd Pohlenz ve ekibi her gun cogu profesyonel karikatur sanatcilari tarafindan cizilerek siteye yuklenmis 100 calismayi’da karikatur meraklilari ve gazete ve dergilerle bulusturuyor.’da Turkce’nin de devreye girmesiyle kullanilan dil sayisi Almanca, Ingilizce, Fransizca, Ispanyolca, Yunanca olmak uzere altiya cikmis bulunuyor. „Geo-Locating“ cografi yer belirleme sistemi sayesinde Turkiye’den siteye giris yapan kullanicilar otomatik olarak Turkce anasayfaya giris yapiyor olacaklar. Siteyi bir baska dilde izlemek isteyenler icin ise alti ayri ulkenin minik bayraklarindan secilenine tiklamak yetiyor.’un Turkce atagiyla ilgili bir aciklama yapan Bernd Pohlenz „’un Turkce olarak da yayin yapmasi, atilmasi gereken mantikli bir adimdi“ diyerek, moderasyon calismalarinda, sitenin en fazla iletisim kuran cizerlerinin de Turkler arasindan ciktigini gozlediklerini sozlerine ekledi.

Toonpool’da ayrica Almanya’dan ve Avrupa’nin diger ulkelerinden de pek cok Turk kokenli cizgilerini sergiliyorlar. Bernd Pohlenz: „ Ozellikle geleneksel yasam tarziyla, modern cagi bulusturan ve degisIk teknikleri deneyen sanatcilarin cok basarili ve farkli urunlere imza attiklarini gozledigini dile getirerek Turk kokenli sanatcilarin dunyanin diger  ulkelerindeki meslektaslariyla iletisim kurma konusundaki becerilerinin de dikkat cekici olduguna isaret ediyor ve ornek olarak  Norvec’de bir dag evinde felsefi boyutu olan calismalariyla goz dolduran Firuz Kutal’i ve ucuk cizgiler ve parlak renklerle basarili urunler veren ve „Juice“ gibi Hip-Hop magazinlerde calismalari yayinlanan Berlinli genc yetenek, grafik-desinatoru Sedat Ademci’yi ornek gosteriyor.

Sitede calismalari yer alan karikaturculer arasinda Turkiye’den Erdogan Basol, Sevket Yalaz, Oguz Gurel, Menekse Cam, Hicabi Demirci, Dr. Halis Dokgoz, Ercan Baysal, Almanya’dan Erdogan Karayel ve Hayati Boyacioglu da bulunuyor. hakkinda:

Uluslararasi bir karikatur portali olan „“ tam 140 ulkeden 1.200 sanatcinin calismalarina yer veriyor Sitede, gunun 24 saati, cizerler karikatur, grafik ve ilustrasyonlarini kendi kendilerine yukleyebiliyorlar., Sitenin sayisi gunde on binleri bulan ziyaretcileri ise calismalari saniye saniye izleyip, dilerlerse yorum yapabiliyorlar. adresinden girilen ticari bolumde ise sanatcilarin sitede de sergilenen calismalariyla suslenmis, internetten siparis yontemiyle ve belirli sayida ve kisa surede hazirlanabilen baski ve tekstil urunleri sunuluyor. adresiyle de dunyadaki tum gazetelere, en guncel karikaturler en yuksek cozunurlu olarak servis ediliyor. Dunyanin her tarafindan siteye giren yayin yonetmenleri, gereksinim duyduklari karikaturlere arama motorlari ve anahtar sozcuklerle rahat bir sekilde ulasip, cizgileri indirebiliyorlar


Haberin ayrintilari icin Almanca bilgi:


Bernd Pohlenz


Telefon +49 173 3041746




Türkçe bilgi için: +49 175 5267890 GmbH

Potsdamer Straße 89

D-10785 Berlin






Here is the first new cartoon I’ve done in several months. A little
background for the unfamiliar. The Republican Party has been labeling
President Obama’s health care reform proposals as “Fascist.” This is beyond
laughable and the Republicans have no business labeling ANYONE Fascist after
the past eight years of GW Bush. This is the paramount of hypocrisy.

For various health reasons, I have not felt up to drawing much. This cartoon
is not really of any international interest but it is a response to the
ridiculous attempts in the US by the Republican Party and other far right
factions to block meaningful health care reform. They are operating as the
soldiers of the corporate controlled health care industry. Using dangerous
mouth pieces in the media like Rush Limbaugh or Glenn Beck has only incited
the ignorant and misinformed to become dangerous at town hall meetings held
to discuss health care reform proposals. At the current level of incitement
by these media frauds, it is only a matter of time before some standard
issue armed US wacko unleashes deadly violence at one of these meetings.
Only just the other day, not very many miles from where I live, in a
non-health care related incident) there was another mass shooting by a
psychotic. This time it was an attack on an exercise club. These type of
incidents seem to be a growing national hobby.

As you may or may not know, the US is the only country in the industrialized
world not to have some form of universal medical insurance for its citizens.
The health system is, for the most part (except for the elderly and disabled
enrolled in a government plan) profit driven. Can anyone outside the US even
imagine the idea of profiting off a person’s need for health care?

Even if the subject has no meaning to you, I hope you will be able to enjoy
it for other reasons. I hope all is well with everyone.

David Baldinger