International competition for cartoon and comic strip
“Climate change!?”
Ruse, Bulgaria
Organized by:
Municipality of Ruse- European Information Centre “Europe Direct”
Ruse, 4 Svoboda sq.
In cooperation with Ruse Art Gallery
Rules and organization of the competition
The objective of the competition is to show creative view toward climate change via interpretation of professionals and amateur cartoonists from all over the world. Topics could be chosen among objectives accepted by EU for decreasing negative impact of human activities. Such could be: encouraging usage of renewable energy (sun, wind, geothermal energy, energy from tides and ebbs); CO2 trade emission schemes; improvement of energy efficiency and activities of each individual to decrease used energy (CO2 footprint).
І. Cartoon;
ІІ. Comic strip;
Conditions for participation:
1. Every participant can present up to 3 works in A3/A4 format;
2. Cartoons/comic strips can be color or black and white;
3. The participants should be at least 18 years old;
4. Deadline for accepting works is 30.11.2009 at address:
Ruse Art Gallery
39 Borisova str.
Ruse 7000
For the competition Cartoon and Comic strip
5. Participants should send a short CV, name, surname and family name, title of the work, postal address, telephone number, e-mail address.
6. The Jury including members:
· Volodya Kenarev, artist,deputy mayor in Municipality of Ruse;
· Krasimira Kirilova, artist, curator in Ruse Art Gallery;
· Valentin Georgiev, artist-cartoonist,
· Emiliya Petkova, manager EIC Europe Direct Ruse
· Irina Yordanova, expert in EIC Europe Direct Ruse
Will determine the winners of the following awards:
· For category І – І prize of 200 euro and diploma;
· For category ІІ – І prize of 200 euro and diploma;
· 2 special diplomas in each category.
The awarded and selected works will take part in exhibition in Ruse Art Gallery; the cartoons and comic strips are not going to be sent back to the sender and will become part of collection of EIC Europe Direct Ruse. They will be part of exhibition, which will be shown in Europe Direct centers in Bulgaria.
7. The postal expenses are covered by participants. There is no fee for participation in the competition;
8. The selected and awarded authors will receive electronic catalogue – CD from the exhibition.
9. The participation in this competition is considered as agreement of the author with its conditions.
10. We wish success to all participants!
Opening of exhibition:
15 December 2009, 18.00
In Ruse Art Gallery, Ruse, 39 Borisova str.
To ask your questions regarding organization and conditions of the competition, please use phone number: +359 82 519 504, e-mail: info@europedirect-ruse.eu to address the team of European Information Centre Europe Direct Ruse or to Mr. Valentin Georgiev +359 885 447 511, e-mail: valyo1970art@yahoo.com .

Degerli Mizah Dostlari,
“Dernege ve Müzene Sahip Cik!” kampanyamiz
636 üyesine uzak ve ilgisiz, kendi bildigini okuyan,
yüzlerce kisinin katildigi imza kampanyalarina
“Kapi-Duvar” olan bir yönetime tepki olarak,
hazirladigimiz afisten de anlasilacagi gibi
“Sevgi ve Sahiplenme” kurgusuyla olusturuldu.
Kampanyamizda yer alan karikatürlerde bu tepki ve özlem dile getirildi.
Bazi karikatürlerde elestirinin dozu biraz kacmis olabilir.
Ancak, hosgörüye tahammülü olmayan
camiamiz icinden bazi kisilerin konuyu saptirmasi
ve kampanyayi “kuruma yonelik bir yipratma” eylemi
olarak degerlendirmesi bizleri oldukca üzdü ve düsündürdü…
Özel maillerle gelen taciz, hakaret ve küfür iceren
yaklasimlari da gördükce,
hosgörüye ve toleransa tahammülü olmayan bir camiayla
karsi karsiya oldugumuzu bir kez daha anladik…
Karikatürcüler Dernegi,
ne yazik ki, üyelerini sahiplenen, temel haklarini koruyan,
birlestiren ve bütünlestiren bir yapi olamamistir.
Her gecen gün üyeleriyle baglari kopmakta,
sadece yönetime yakin isimlerle sikca ve sürekli biraraya gelinmektedir.
Bu bölünme ve parcalanmalardan dolayi
“Anadolu Karikatürcüler Dernegi” benzeri bölünmeler
ne ilk, ne de son olacaktir.
Kampanyamizin amaci bu gidise bir son vermek ve
Dernegi tüm üyeleriyle kucaklayan bir yapiya kavusturmakti.
Gelinen bu noktada, herseye ragmen,
kampanyamizin amacina ulastigini gormekteyiz.
Karikatürlerle sürdürdügümüz kampanyamizi
bu dusunce ve gelecege yönelik umutlarla sonlandiriyoruz.
Bizler, üretken, basarili ve hosgörülü bir grubuz.
Ayni hosgörüyü karsi taraftan da bekleme yanilgisina düstük.
Kampanyamiza cizgileriyle katilan,
görüsleriyle olumlu-olumsuz yönlendiren tüm cizer dostlara
tesekkür ediyoruz.
Erdogan Karayel -Firuz Kutal-Hicabi Demirci
Hayati Boyacioglu-Oguz Gürel
