We are very sorry about this news..
We Hope dear Zetti will come back to her Job.
We believe she is loved and respected by all..
Erdogan Karayel

We are very sorry about this news..
We Hope dear Zetti will come back to her Job.
We believe she is loved and respected by all..
Erdogan Karayel
27th Aydýn Doðan International Cartoon Competition 2010 – Turkey
* The Aydýn Doðan International Cartoon Competition is held every year in Turkey by the Aydýn Doðan Foundation.
* The competition is open to professional and amateur cartoonists from all over the world.
* The Jury, composed of foreign members, will meet in June 2010.
* The XXVII. Aydýn Doðan International Cartoon Competition will be celebrated with an award ceremony in October 2010 in Istanbul.
Participation Rules
1) Choice of subject is free.
2) Only original cartoons or internet print outs signed by the cartoonists will be accepted for the competition. Photographs, photocopies, etc… will not be accepted.
3) Size of cartoons should not exceed 29.7 x 42 cm (A3 paper size).
4) Participants are expected to send the filled out participation form, with a short curriculum vitae and a photograph, together with their cartoons. Please find the form attached to the competition booklet and posted on http://www.aydindoganvakfi.org.tr/ . The documents should be sent to:
Aydýn Doðan Foundation, Oymacý Sokak, No:15, Altunizade 34662, Istanbul /Turkey
5) The Foundation will not be responsible for any damage that may occur during postage and handling.
6) Award-winning cartoons will not be returned to the artists.
7) By filling out the participation form, the participant declares and accepts in advance that (s)he hands over the financial rights (s)he holds over the cartoons vis-à-vis the public to the Aydýn Doðan Foundation without limitations on location, time period and number including assignment to third parties under Articles 21-25 of the Law on Intellectual Property Rights for publication. (S)he agrees that the Aydýn Doðan Foundation may use such cartoons, exhibit them, keep them in its archives and publish them on the Internet or through other media.
8) The Foundation will cover the travel and accommodation expenses of the first three prize-winning cartoonists for the award ceremony in Turkey.
9) Cartoons which do not win awards will be returned to the artists upon written request.
10) Deadline for entries is Friday, May 3rd, 2010.
11. Former jury members can not participate in the competition.
The Prizes
First Prize : 8000 US Dollars and the First Prize of the Aydýn Doðan Foundation
Second Prize : 5000 US Dollars and the Second Prize of the Aydýn Doðan Foundation
Third Prize : 3500 US Dollars and the Third Prize of the Aydýn Doðan Foundation
Awards of Success : 500 US Dollars and the Award of Success of the Aydýn Doðan Foundation
(In the event of a tie, the prizes may be shared equally among the winners. A minimum of 5 and maximum of 12 success awards will be granted.)
Regulations of the Competition Subject
The theme of the contest 2010 is: “Plagiarism”
Plagiarism, as defined in the 1995 Random House Compact Unabridged Dictionary, is the
“use or close imitation of the language and thoughts of another author
and the representation of them as one’s own original work.”
Participation conditions Participants: all cartoonists
Contact and Registration: www.limes-net.com
KURTUKUNST Gallery and LIMES Image Agency
im KU-DAMM Karee, Kurfürstendamm 207-208,
Eingang Lietzenburger Str 80, 10719 Berlin
Email: contact@limes-net.com
Alexander Kamozin (Germany)
Erdogan Karayel (Germany)
Florian Balaban (Luxembourg)
Florian Doru Crihana (Romania)
Huseyin Cakmak (Turkish Republic of Northern)
Michael Rufmann (Germany)
Nezin Danyal (Turkey)
Paul Gross (Germany)
Rais Khalilov (Germany)
Valeriu Kurtu (Germany)
Willem Rasing (Netherlands)
The deadline for receipt of cartoons:
15th March 2010.
The transmittal of the cartoons takes place
in digital form via the internet pageof the
LIMES Image Agency.
Number of cartoons Max. number of entries
per cartoonist: three.
The cartoons must be the original work of the artist.
Registration The registration for the competition takes place
via the internet page of
the LIMES Image Agency.
First you have to registry as a participants
of the competition. After registration an email
will be sent to you with your password
for your personal area.
In this area you can upload your cartoons
on our server.
Size / File Format The size of the cartoons
should be:
minimum: 105 x 148,5 mm (DIN A5), 300dpi
maximum: 297 x 420 mm (DIN A3), 300 dpi
The file has to be:
maximum size: 25 MB
file format: JPG
color mode: RGB
Production The cartoons can be produced
analogue or digital, but it have to be
sent to us only in digital format.
Caption The caption takes place
only via internet after uploading of the cartoons.
Prizes and awards
1st prize: golden He-Goat
2nd prize: silver He-Goat
3rd prize: bronze He-Goat
and special awards
Dates The jury’s awards will be made on
15th March 2010.
The exhibition will open on 1st March 2010,
19.00 pm in the SSENKO Garo Galerie.
Presentation of the cartoons SSENKO Garo Galerie
Im KU-Damm Karree, Kurfürstendamm 207-208, 10719 Berlin, am 1st April 2010, 19.00
Cartoon-Museum in Vianden (Luxemburg),
the date is not fixed yet and online:
Errors and changes excepted.
Golden Keg Cartoon Contest 2010, Presov / Slowakei
FECO-Wertung: 2
Thema: Bier
Einsendeschluss: 22.02.2010
Preise: Grand Prix € 500 + Goldenes Fässchen; 1./€ 200 + kleines Fässchen; 2./€ 150 + kleines Fässchen; 3./€ 100 + kleines Fässchen
Maximal 5 Originale
Format: höchstens A4
Rücksendung ?
Ausstellung +
Katalog +
Adresse: Sarisská Galéria (p. Fedor Vico)
ul. Hlavná 51
08001 Presov
(Vermerk auf Umschlag: Pivo)
E-mail: fedorvico@gmail.com
World Press Cartoon 2010, Lissabon / Portugal
FECO-Wertung: 5 !
Thema: ? Die Werke müssen zwischen dem 1.1. und 31.12.2008 in Tageszeitungen oder Zeitschriften veröffentlicht worden sein.
(Anm.: In der Ausschreibung heißt es tatsächlich „2008“! Ob es ein Druckfehler ist, weiß ich nicht.)
Es gibt 3 Kategorien: (a) freier Cartoon, (b) Karikatur, (c) Titelcartoon (editorial cartoon)
Einsendeschluss: 31.01.2010
Preise: Grand Prix € 20.000; 1./€ 5.000; 2./€ 2.500; 3./€ 1.000
Einsendungen: 1 Original oder signierter Digitaldruck pro Kategorie
Format: maximal A3
Rücksendung +
Ausstellung +
Katalog +
Adresse: World Press Cartoon – Sintra 2010
AP. 1179 EC Picoas
1050-001 Lissabon
E-mail: info@worldpresscartoon.co
Internet : www.worldpresscartoon.com
Anm. : Das Teilnahmeformular muss heruntergeladen werden von http://worldpresscartoon.com/download/EntryForm2010.pdf
Festival of Aphorism and Caricature 2010, Strumica / Mazedonien
FECO-Wertung: 1
Thema: Karneval, Erotica
Einsendeschluss: 11.01.2010
Preise: 3 Hauptpreise (keine näheren Angaben)
Maximal 3 Einsendungen (Originale?)
Format: höchstens A4
Rücksendung ?
Ausstellung ?
Katalog ?
Adresse: NUCK „Anton Panov“ Blvd. “Goce Delcev” bb
2400 Strumica
(Vermerk auf Umschlag: To the Festival of Aphorism and Caricature)
E-mail: trimerotikon@yahoo.com
Against Violence International Cartoon Exhibition
1. The Federation of Cartoonists Organizations (FECO group of Egypt) – Pharaohs Magazine invites you to Participate and take a part at the Against Violence International Cartoon Exhibition.
2. We address to all the professional and amateur cartoonists regardless their age from all over the world.
3. Theme: Against VIOLENCE .. Violence in sport .. Sporting Spirit .. Fair Play. (Egyptian soccer fans were attacked by their Algerian counterparts following the two countries’ playoff match in Sudan in the 2010 World Cup qualifications)
4. The number of cartoons: Unlimited.
5. Artwork format should be JPEG, A4 size and 300 dpi as resolution. *** (Please do not send ZIP or RAR Format).
6. Please attached a short biography in a word document (surname and first name, address, e-mail address and a photo).
7. Honorable Certificates for all the participants.
8. The cartoons must be sent at the e-mail address: info@tameryoussef.com | info@effatcartoon.com, effatcartoon@hotmail.com
9. The cartoons will be published in the web pages: www.effatcartoon.com and through Pharaohs Magazine January 2010 special issue.
10. Deadline: December 31, 2009.